Computer Science has a medium - programming. Students who enter the CS curriculum without prior programming experience have to learn the medium of programming - with all of the associated tools - as well as the language of computer science taught in class. Often times, this leads students to feel like they are very far behind their peers - when in reality - there are a few practical skills and tools that will better equip them to focus on actually learning Computer Science in their CS classes.
This is useful for students who have little programming experience who might need a bit more guidance in starting out in programming than 61A can provide. Having a place to go to learn about the programming tools/workflow will significantly improve their ability to learn CS.
These are metrics we need to measure to judge if the class is succesful.
Q: Do I have to officially enroll in the course on telebears:
A: Nope! We’re piloting it this semester - so there are no units/grades for the course.
Q: I can’t make it for a particular week - can I still sign up?
A: Yes!
Q: I’ve been programming forever & feel comfortable with programming - should I take this class?
A: This course is targeted at students without significant programming experience, so you won’t get as much out of it.
Q: Do I have to officially enroll in the course on telebears:
A: Nope! We’re piloting it this semester - so there are no units/grades for the course.
Q: Will students have extra work ontop of 61A?
A: No - we’re aware of the workload so we won’t toss extra work on the students. Everything they learn will be applicable to 61A and actually be a save stuents time.
Sumukh Sridhara
sumukh at berkeley . edu
Foundations: Some parts of the course build off (and use) content from ‘How to Think Like A Computer Scientist’. See the home page for more info.